How are the prices of translations calculated ?
Talenpalet has a minimum rate which it charges for short translations. This rate covers our administrative expenses and varies according to the language pairs involved. The minimum charge starts at € 50, the prices of longer translations are determined on an individual basis. You can ask us for an estimate here.
What is the charge for an estimate?
All estimates are provided free of charge.
Who will be translating my document?
All translations are done by translators who work exclusively with subjects that they have experience with and for which they are qualified. They only do translations in their first language. All our translators are qualified professionals, in possession of a degree, at BA level or higher, and of a translation certificate. They have at least five years professional experience. .
Which languages do you translate from and into?
Talenpalet produces translations between more than 50 language pairs.
What is the difference between interpreting and translating?
The difference is that translators translate written language and interpreters translate spoken language.
How quickly can you deliver translations?
As a rule of thumb, a good translator translates and corrects approximately 2000 words a day. The first 2000 words normally take up more time, though: about two days. The time taken up by research and queries, correction work and administration should be taken into account. The delivery time also depends on the workload of our translators. We can also produce urgent translations on demand. Contact us for further information and to discuss your specific requests.
Who are your clients?
Some of our clients are mentioned on our website.
How can I apply for a job (as a translator) with Talenpalet?
Please send your CV to
FAQ language courses
How is my level assessed for a language course?
Talenpalet carries out a free assessment of each client, which consists of a conversation and a test. The client’s level is determined on the basis of this assessment.
When can the course start?
The course will start when when you want it to.
How long does a course last, on average?
The average duration of a course is eight to ten weeks, with two to four lessons a week.
Who teaches the courses?
The lessons are taught by experienced teachers who are native speakers.
Can I book a week-long language course?
Yes, you can opt for a week-long intensive training course.
Which levels are offered?
The language courses we offered at all levels, from beginners to advanced (A1 –C), but also courses designed to suit your specific wishes ( aimed at presentations, business communication, conferences, telephone training, etc. ).
Where are the lessons given?
Courses for companies are given on the company premises or in a conference centre; group courses are offered in local conference centres and individual training courses or sessions take place either in a conference centre or in a location of the client’s choice. |